Thursday, June 4, 2009

Jorge Lanata, a great argentinian journalist

In my field, the journalism, it's very hard to say who is the best. But I think Jorge Lanata is a great representative of latinamerican journalism.

Jorge Lanata is an argentinian journalist who born in Mar del Plata in 1960. He started his career at 14 writting short news for Radio Nacional. Since 1977 he was a collaborator of several written media: Siete Días magazine, Clarín Revista. In 1983, he entered the news program of Radio Belgrano and made investigation reports for Sin Anestesia show, while collaborating with Humor, El Periodista and El Porteño magazines. Outside Argentina, Lanata had worked in El Nuevo Herald of Miami, The Washington Times, El Espectador of Bogotá and El Diario de Caracas.

In 1987, at 26 years old, he co-funded Página 12 and was its journalistic director for seven years. Today, Página 12 is one of most importants newspapers in Argentina.

In 1998, he founded with the important chronicler Martin Caparós and other journalists, the Veintiuno Magazine. The next year it called Veintidos and finally, in 2000, it named Veintitrés, the same name it has at present.

In 2008, Lanata founded the newspaper La Crítica de La Argentina, but recently he renounced to his job as a director.

In TV, he hosted Dia D (D-day), a very popular TV show that achieved Martín Fierro award for best journalistic television show in 1996 and 1997, and Clarín Award for best TV show in 2003. Lanata himself achieved Marín Fierro award for best journalistic TV host in 1996, 1997 and 2004. Also, he conduced "Viaje al Fin de la Noche", "Luna" and "¿Por qué?".

In Radio, he conduced "Hora 25" and Rompecabezas, that, like in TV, achieved Martin Fierro award in 1995. In 2007 he returned with "Lanata AM"

In cinema, In October 2004, he premièred Deuda, a documentary on foreign debt and his opera prima in cinema discussing bureacratic corruption and ignorance, a film which was nominated for many awards.

I like him because he is a journalist with a great trajectory. He had worked in different places and he had provided Argentina and journalists with big knowledge about how to make journalism in controversial situations, specially with power. His irony and sarcasm for present news, his non-prejudiced attitud in his reports and books and his acid humor makes him one of best journalists of Argentina and Latin America.

I would like to talk about his books, like a example of his work. In 1987 he published El nuevo periodismo (The New Journalism) as a compiler, and the following year La guerra de las piedras,Vuelta de página (Turn of the Page, 1997), a collection of press articles written throughout his whole journalistic career. In 2004 he published "ADN, mapa genético de los defectos argentinos" (DNA, Genetic Map of Argentine Faults, essay). I think this last book it should be very interesting, I haven't read yet, but an investigation of argentinian's faults would to make happy to chilean people jajajaja.


  1. Hi María Paz,

    I didn´t know Jorge Lanata was that famous. How interesting.

    I suggest you get together with Raquel to edit your post. There are some mistakes that should be clarified.

    See you,


  2. Sorry, I forgot to say you get 1.5 points.

