Thursday, May 28, 2009

My career, The Journalism

Well, you know, I'm studying journalism at University of Chile. My school is the oldest of the country. I'm studying this beacause I always like mass medias and comunication in general. My favorite subject is all about TV, mass media culture and chronicles about topics not told in traditionals newspapers and TV Channels. Since I was seven, eight years old I have watched tv news and from nine, ten years old I have read newspapers (Really, I try, beacause I only read the sections that I like and when I've got free time).

A Journalist should be a complete professional, with all the tools for working in different places, because I don't know where I'm going to work when I finish my career. For example, I like very much TV, but at first I could work on press, radio or Public Relationships. Also, a good journalist ought to be brave, because sources of information are not always available or willing to talk, specially in some controversial situations. And, this is very important, a professional of press must have got personality to clash with a camera or an important minister, president, famous singer, etc.

Professionals in my area contribute to society... Well... They could be Alejandra Matus, her investigations always are controversial with power, Santiago Pavlovic in "Informe Especial", María Olivia Monckeberg with her books, Cristobal Peña with his investigations for CIPER (The Civil Registry's problem and a report about Pinochet's library). These Journalist are valiant and conmmited with society and people.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

A Beautiful photograph of argentinian patagon.

This beautiful photograph was taken by Marta Salinas for "La Nación" a very important newspaper from Argentina. I don't know who is she, but I like her photo very much.

The picture shows a big green field with a little laggon. Also, there are some big leafy threes and next to them, a great and wonderful house. It is similar of wood and behind it we can see a hill with a lot of threes. But is not only a simple hill. It is the majestic Los Andes Mountain Chain, the most important and long of South America. It starts in Venezuela and ends in chilean Antartica, with the name of "Artantandes". Really, this picture was taken in a beautiful sunny day, with some clouds over and behind the hill.

This field of Villa Trafull, this is the name of this place, was taken on January 14th in 2007. Not long time ago.

I like this photograph because shows a green, fertile and great field. The house also is very wonderful, I would like to live in it. I have always liked and enjoyed places like in the picture. Blue lakes with a big volcano, vast forests with a blue sky, tropical beaches with palms and with white sand, etc.

Also, Villa Trafull is near places that I have been to before, like Bariloche or Villa La Angostura, two of most turistic villages in argentinian patagonia. In winter, snow falls and falls and ski centers are open for many tourists and travellers who like skiing.